Cross-border Family Mediation Handbook

NEW! Publication for International Family Law & Mediation Professionals CROSS-BORDER FAMILY MEDIATION International Parental Child Abduction,Custody and Access Cases Christoph C. Paul, Sybille Kiesewetter, Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome (Eds.) 3rd updated and extended...

CBFM Spanish Trainers

Formación en Mediación Familiar Transfronteriza (CBFM) en español,en Madrid Conozca a nuestros formadores Formadores de base Ana Piernas López MiKK Embajadora en España, Abogada  y Rechtsanwältin de familia, Mediadora de MIKK, Formadora Ana Piernas López Ana Piernas...

CBFM Spanish (Madrid)

CBFM Spanish Formación en Mediación Familiar Transfronteriza (CBFM) Del lunes 21 al sábado 26 de octubre de 2024en Madrid, España Idioma de formación: Español El curso de formación de MiKK EN ESPAÑOL de 50 horas de duración tiene como objetivo capacitar a los...


MiKK InternationalParental Child AbductionSupport Group MiKK International Parental Child AbductionSupport Group Facilitated by experienced MiKK Mediators with psycho-social background professions from different cultures and countries, the MiKK International Parental...

Spring Offer 2024

Spring Offer 2024 Become a MiKK Mediator Spring Offer Quick Registration   Note: To become a member and have your profile listed on the website of the MiKK Mediators Network for a period of two years (2024 and 2025), you need to: Sign and send us the Declaration...
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